Skin cancer has now been linked to deficiencies in the diet. Carcinogens that are consumed can form cancer when they infiltrate cells and corrupt the DNA. This causes the mutation of the DNA which converts the normal cells into malignant cells. The way your body fights off these mutations is through boosting your immune system through a healthy diet and nutritional supplement. This is good news because it gives you the power to help your body in its fight against this disease.

In addition to a healthy diet and nutritional supplement, your body also needs antioxidants. The antioxidants can actually deactivate free radicals which cause an oxidation process to occur that allows the carcinogens to enter into normal cells. You do not want that if you are concerned about living your life to the fullest.

Let’s take a look at some of the nutrients that help to prevent skin cancer:

  • Selenium: Helps to protect cells from chemicals and viruses that are cancer causing. Selenium is found in foods such as whole grain cereal, sesame seeds, egg yolks, milk, garlic, bran, wheat germ, seafood, kidney, brewers yeast, liver, mushrooms, and chicken.
  • Vitamin D: You would think that no sunlight would be good sunlight – no, actually you need about 20 minutes of unprotected sunlight daily to provide you with the best source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your body process Calcium. It is found in tuna, salmon, cod liver oil, milk, and egg yolks.
  • Vitamin E: It has been scientifically proven that this vitamin has the power to change new cancer cells back into normal cells. Good sources of this vitamin are nuts, soybeans, margarine, dry lima beans, wheat germ oil, corn oil, and raw veggies. Makes you want to run out and buy a veggie tray right now, does not it?
  • Vitamin C: Helps to stop cancer from spreading. It is found in foods like tomatoes, potatoes, green peppers, broccoli, strawberries, peaches, mango, cantaloupe, parsley, as well as citrus fruits and juices.
  • Vitamin A: Helps to maintain skin health. Protects skin cells from light damage. Found in kale, Brussel sprouts, yoghurt, beef liver, sweet potatoes, squash, milk, peaches, carrots, asparagus, spinach, peas, corn, eggs, green beans, and tomato juice.

Now we do not all like the same foods, but I think you could easily pick out some of the foods on this list that you do like. Get a good variety from this list and start by adding them to your diet every week. Rotate these items and try new things. Get into the healthy habit of putting thought into what you eat. How hard can it be put together a menu from this list? Start the day with whole grain cereal, add milk and wheat germ. For lunch tuna salad with hard-boiled egg. For snack time, veggie tray, fruit salad, or a handful of nuts. For dinner, steamed zucchini sprinkled with sesame seeds, chicken, sliced tomatoes, and a potato. Dessert, cantaloupe chunks. See that is not hard and it sounds delicious.

When you change your diet and start taking nutritional supplements you begin to help your body boost its own immune system thereby helping it to fight against skin cancer. I think you can see that it is imperative that you begin taking a daily nutritional supplement if you are not already doing so. Eat a diet that gives your body the nutrition it needs to help you prevent skin cancer. Reduce your risk so you can enjoy the lifestyle you want to live.

Related Article: Breast Cancer The Cure

Featured Image: Reader’s Digest
Source by Marcella Carlton