An unidentified white balloon-like object was spotted in the sky over northern Japan on Wednesday. While several residents were quick in sending inquiries to police and other local authorities, other people took to social media to express their excitement and curiosity. An official from the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Sendai office in Miyagi Prefecture confirmed it was not an item flown by the agency, saying, “We checked with the Sendai municipal government and the Self-Defense Forces, but they have no idea either.” According to the agency, calls about a mysterious floating object began arriving around 7 a.m.
WATCH: A balloon-like object in the sky over northern Japan sparks debate on social media
— Reuters India (@ReutersIndia) June 17, 2020
“This white thing isn’t moving at all. What is it? Can anyone tell me? “wrote a user.
Is definitely got to be little green men from Mars you are spying on us they want to know all about covid-19
Weather balloon or UFO? Mystery object soars over Japan
— Toni (@Toni23812381) June 17, 2020
I tend to avoid sharing these videos before there are solid elements to exclude other stuff. For now, the story is intriguing (weather center stated is not their)
— CrewCut 🚫 (@CrewCutYoutube) June 17, 2020
Another tweeted, “UFO sighting in Japan. The appearance of a mysterious balloon–like object above a cross in the sky over the Japanese city of Sendai on Wednesday set social media ablaze, with speculation ranging from UFOs to coronavirus. Officials said spreading novel coronavirus,gives bad alert.”
UFO sighting in Japan. The appearance of a mysterious balloon–like object above a cross in the sky over the Japanese city of Sendai on Wednesday set social media ablaze, with speculation ranging from UFOs to coronavirus. Officials said spreading novel coronavirus,gives bad alert
— kramachandruni (@kramachandruni1) June 18, 2020