One Spoonful of Lemon Juice & Olive Oil Can Do Wonders For Your Body! A Must Read

We Indians have always believed in homemade remedies. Come to think of it, how many of our problems have been cured at home, just with some simple solutions and concoctions whipped by our mothers?

So, keeping that in mind, today we are going to tell you about a mixture that will take two of the most common kitchen ingredients, yet is so magical that you will remember it forever.

That is, a spoonful of lemon juice with a spoonful of olive oil. Don’t believe us? Take a look at the countless benefits this one is going to give you, you sure will give it a try.

1. Beauty Benefits

This mixture is simply superb for skin, hair and even nails. If you are someone who has brittle nails, a mixture of 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, in which you soak your hard working and chewed up (often) nails for 10 minutes before bed, is a boon. As for hair, a mixture of olive oil and lemon has always been an extraordinarily good one, for it gets rid of hair loss and dandruff, increasing the shine and lustre.

Also, one can drink this mixture (1 tablespoon each mixed) for gorgeous hair, skin, and nails.

2. Curbs constipation

The mixture has antioxidants, which help get rid of the toxins in our body. It also lubricates digestive mucosa, facilitating the function of the bladder, making it smooth. It escalates the process of digestion, making it easier and healthier.

3. Anti-inflammatory

This mixture has anti-inflammatory properties, and any kind of articular or rheumatic pains can be avoided if this mixture is taken every morning, just a teaspoon of it.

Also read: How To Use Glycerin To Get Flawless, Beautiful Skin

4. Helps liver

This mixture really helps our liver in expelling and discharging the unwanted toxins from the body, which is responsible for us feeling too swollen up from inside, and also contributes to unattributed for tiredness.

5. Improves Blood Circulation

Rich in fatty acids, this mixture removes the bad cholesterol, facilitating the blood flow, and improving the blood circulation, in the process. Also, it is anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamins.

Isn’t this mixture a magical teaspoon of health? Use it in application or even in consumption, one teaspoon of it is all that would take to do away with all your skin and health related issues.

Also read: Quick And Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blackheads

Featured Image: Proud Italian Cook