A Simple Homemade Solar Power Generator – Build Cheap DIY Solar Powered Generators Plan

Solar Power Generator

Use of renewable energy is now being harnessed by many people as calls for environmental protection and natural resources conservation. Consumers also are now finding ways and means not only to help mother nature but also save and spare money from the cost of daily living which is now becoming higher and higher. It is good to know how to build a cheap DIY homemade solar-powered generator.

Solar power generator is basically like batteries which store energy from the sun and keeps this power stocked up until usage for such is needed to run appliances or electrically run apparatuses.

Building a solar power generator is initially costly and spending out a reasonable amount of cash is the only way to go. However, return on investment is very good. Feasible since the large initial amount is sheled out only once. However, use of such is electricity and power are on the daily basis. Savings must be huge as the increasing price of electricity is cut into half or much better zero as dependence on using the solar power generator becomes a hundred percent. Return on investment may be attained in a couple of years or much shorter should price of electricity continue to soar.

To start making a solar power generator purchase of solar panels is needed or building one’s own can also be accomplished. If buying of a solar panel is the chosen selection by the user it is suggested to buy a solar panel whose rating is 12 volts. Buy or acquire also a dc meter, an inverter (to convert dc to ac) and deep cycle batteries. Building a suitable battery box may also be required to keep the equipment from being destroyed and for curious people from getting hurt. Insulation is also proposed for purposes of safety, efficiency and quality output of the generated electricity.

To start off making a solar power generator the meter, as well as the input device, is attached to the battery box. All these items are now part of the box, together with the DC meter and the inverter each is connected to the solar panel.

This type of solar generator is able to run small household appliances such as electrical fan, personal computer, radio and television. However, this is dependent on the quality of charge it receives from the sun’s rays. The capacity of the solar energy generation is dependent on how much it was able to get and receive from the sun. Know you have a better idea on building a cheap DIY homemade solar-powered generator.

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Featured Image: Solar Burrito
Source by Giovani Sotto