Healthy Smoothies – How To Perfectly Balance The Frozen and Fresh Ingredients

Unbalanced amounts of frozen and fresh ingredients can make or break your healthy smoothies.

There is a delicious balance of fresh and frozen ingredients needed for the perfect smoothie consistency. Too many frozen ingredients will cause the ingredients not to blend correctly unless you have a high-powered blending machine. Then you might come out with a sorbet instead of a smoothie.

If you have too many fresh ingredients, then the smoothie would be more like a juice. Which is tasty as well.

The Deciding Factors

The weather outside might be a deciding factor. If you are roasting because your AC broke down on a 90 degree summer day, you might want your strawberry lemonade smoothie icy cold.

But what do you do in the winter months? It easily reaches negative 30 degrees where I live. But I want my family to continue to get their fruits and vegetables through green smoothies. That’s when I use more fresh ingredients. I even thaw out frozen fruit, if the fresh fruit is too expensive at the store. Even though it is cold outside, I still use at least a third of the ingredients as frozen.

To Sum It Up

To have a well-balanced ingredient list in your healthy smoothies … Let’s keep it super simple.

1. Choose half of the smoothie ingredients to be frozen and the other half to be fresh.

2. There must be some type of liquid as well. It may be water, juice, yogurt, extremely juicy fruit, or milk (dairy, almond, rice, soy, hemp). Usually, a smoothie contains 1-2 cups of liquid.

As your experience in blending smoothies develops, you’ll find the perfect consistency for you and your family.

Featured Image: I Love Vegan

Source by DaNae Johnson