Surfing Fitness Tips

To enjoy a good long surfing session requires more than just great waves and an appropriate surfboard. Your surf fitness will have a profound impact on whether you are carving up the set, or floundering around unable to get out the back and paddle yourself onto a wave. Or maybe you’re alright for the first few, but then you have to come in too soon because you’re flagging. Whether or not you think your surfing fitness is an issue, there is no doubt that the fitter you are, the better your session will be.

Surfers have to be well-rounded individuals from a fitness perspective. Strength and cardiovascular fitness are both going to play important bars, along with stamina. You need to have enough endurance to be able to paddle out the back repetitively. You need cardio fitness for any swimming that may come your way as a result of losing your surfboard, and or being held under. Your shoulders and arms need to be strong for paddling and pushing yourself up onto your board. Your legs need to be able to jump quickly onto the board. Your core muscles need to be strong to support your torso.

Surfers also need the flexibility to be able to move around quickly.

Why not try some of the following tips to boost your fitness for surfing?


Surfing is a workout session in itself. However, to maximize your performance, lengthen your time in the water, and reduce the risk of injuries and strains, good surfing fitness is a must. A well-rounded surf fitness training program should incorporate strength work into the muscles, cardio for overall fitness and endurance, and stretches for better flexibility and minimizing aches and pains. Once you have a surfer’s workout established you will be amazed at the difference it will make to all aspects of your surfing.

Feature Image: TotalSurfingFitness

Source by Luc Stokes