6 Simply Successful Secrets

I was tagged Andy Wibbels, author of BlogWild, to create a post about the 5-10 things I do every day (or at least 4 times a week) to be successful. Here’s my list … now you’ve been tagged!

1. Get enough sleep. I have found that I need at least 7 hours sleep every night to function at my best. I think better, I’m emotionally more stable, and I’m healthy. If I cheat myself of sleep I cheat everyone who has to be around me!

2. Read and pray. I am nothing without a right relationship with God. Taking time every day to connect with Him and fill my mind with His Word is my primary secret for success.

3. Eat my vegetables. It’s easy to get lazy about preparing healthy meals but I look and feel better when I eat fresh foods. I will not take the space to tell you about the health benefits – you’ve heard it all before – but I will tell you that the chronic ailments I deal with are minimized when I eat lots of fresh veggies.

4. Connect with my accountability circle. Checking in with the people who love me enough to challenge me is essential for my growth and keeping on track with my goals. I have family and friends who love me warts and all, encourage me to keep moving forward towards my goals and give me honest feedback. I treasure these relationships.

5. Create … I have a passion for creating with words, sound, colour, texture. If I go too long without writing, singing, designing jewellery, or some other creative activity I feel frustrated and stale.

6. Write and review my goals. Wishful thinking has not ever gotten me anywhere. But visualizing success, transforming negative thoughts and attitudes and taking positive steps forward begins with establishing clear goals and objectives.

Featured Image:  Caron Business Solutions Inc.
Source by Lisa Van Allen