10 Gripping One-Liner Stories For The Lexophiles


An honest one-liner story, a nice and short sentence, or a simple heart-to-heart conversation with someone you are close to has the power to brighten your day. In all these cases, the only thing that rules here is words and how you choose to say it. Words are those magnificent beauties that have the power to destroy or create a moment or the most amazing memories.

The world has witnessed several luminously eloquent speakers (read Mahatma Gandhi, John F Kennedy, Ralph Waldo Emerson), musicians like Bob Marley, Freddie Mercury and even celebrities who conquered people’s hearts with just a few words.

One needn’t be an avid reader to relish words, one-liner stories are the best way to experience the goodness of words in the truest form. So, for the beauty and everlasting charm of words, we created a pictorial journey of 10 simple one-liner stories.

One-liner stories work well with everyone, reader or a non-reader, all you need to share is the love of words!