1. “The best way to lose weight is to close your mouth – something very difficult for a politician. – Edward Koch

2. “I think Dr. Atkins and all those other charlatans are missing the boat. – Brad Simanek.

3. “The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just do it. Exercise, lose weight, test your blood sugar, or whatever. that’s when the motivation comes and makes it easy for you to keep on doing it. ” – John C. Maxwell

4. “Thank you for calling the Weight Loss Hotline. If you’d like to lose a half pound right now, press 1 eighty thousand times.” – Randy Glasbergen

5. “I keep trying to lose weight … but it keeps finding me!” – Author Unknown for this Weight Loss Quote

6. “When I first got an agent, they gave me some advice – lose weight.” – Jennifer Aniston quotes ”

7. “The only way to lose weight is to check it as airline baggage.” – Peggy Ryan

8. “The three words women most want to hear from a man are,” You lost weight. “” – Lori Gottlieb

9. “Lose weight quickly by eating raw pork or rancid tuna. I found that the consequent food poisoning/diarrhea enabled me to lose 6 kg in only 2 days.” – Author Unknown

10. “The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because then your body and your fat are really good friends.” – Author Unknown for this Weight Loss Quote

11. “If worry were an effective weight-loss program, women would be invisible.” – Nancy Drew.

12. “Losing weight for a big event is a great reason for you to call Jenny Craig, but do not forget the biggest of all event, your life.” – Jenny Craig

13. “Let’s see, which would be easier: Losing 40 pounds by strict dieting and exercise or gaining 60 pounds to qualify for a gastric bypass?” – Nancy Casurella.

14. “A great way for you to lose weight is to eat naked in front of a mirror. Restaurants will almost always throw you out before you can eat too much.” – Frank Varano.

Source by Katie Johnson