Diet For GERD – Secrets For a GERD Free Life

For people who love dining out, good food and good company will sound like a piece of heaven. Can people affected by GERD still enjoy good food and good company? Eating certain trigger foods in restaurants can trigger heartburn. There are tactics you can use to follow your diet for GERD even when you dine out and make your life GERD free.

Make smart choices to have a GERD free life and a heartburn-free dining experience.

Checklist To Follow When You Eat Out

Say a Big No-No And Lead a GERD Free Life

Safe Foods: Include in Your Diet For GERD

What puts you at risk for GERD?

Overeating, enzyme deficiency, constipation from a low residual diet, too many fast foods, fried foods and dairy foods (all acid-forming), prescription drug side effects, and severe osteoporosis can all lead to GERD.

Unhealthy Diet Habits = GERD.






Fats / Oils

Sweets / Desserts

The way you cut your meat reflect the way you live. ~ Confucius

Certain foods can aggravate your heartburn symptoms, and when planning your diet for GERD it’s best to limit or avoid completely Trigger Foods that result in acid reflux.

The foods listed in the Table above are the most common foods that are usually pretty safe for heartburn sufferers to include in their diet for Gerd.

Note: Remember that it’s not a complete list and the only list. Trigger foods vary from individual to individual. Journal your trigger foods- What, When and the Result. Be consistent or you may miss out on potentially harmful trigger foods to be excluded from your diet for Gerd.

Lifestyle and dietary modifications will definitely keep you going.

Featured Image: The Vanguard Clinic

Source by Kim Matthews