Cooking Tips For a Healthy Life

There are people who simply love to cook while some are averse to the idea of cooking. Yet another category exists that cook just because they have to. Whether or not you enjoy cooking, it is important that you cook right whenever you do. Considering the rise in the number of health disorders associated with obesity, Americans are waking to the fact that making right food choices is critical for good health.

Healthy eating does not mean consuming the right kind of foods but also ensuring that they are cooked in the right manner. Most people avoid eating fast food and switch over to homemade food to eat right and stay healthy. However, eating homemade food is of no use, if you do not know the basics of healthy cooking. Read on to know invaluable cooking tips that can improve your health and the overall well being of your family.

Go for organic food – The best way to cook healthy is choose organic foods, vegetables, and fruits that are rich in antioxidants and also free from pesticide residues, unlike their non-organically grown counterparts.

Cooking with the right oil – The kind of oil you use as well as its quantity will have a direct impact on your waistline. You may go for healthier versions like olive oil and canola oil, though olive oil should be avoided for frying foods, as its smoke point is just about 190C / 375F.

Also, make it a point to drain excess oil in fried foods using paper towels so that you can restrict your calorie intake. Cook using nonstick pans, as it not only makes the task of cooking much faster and easier but also helps you in minimizing your fat intake.

Utilize the right cooking method – The methods of cooking you choose is as important as the ingredients that go into the food. Frying should be avoided as much as possible and should be replaced by broiling, grilling, braising, and steaming methods that facilitate in retaining the nutritional value of the food while keeping excess fat at bay. Boiling vegetables can rob them of their nutrients and should, therefore, be steamed instead.

Replace high-calorie ingredients – When trying out a new recipe, look for options for certain ingredients to get rid of excess calories. For instance, a certain recipe may allow you to use yogurt or milk instead of cream so that you can reduce your fat intake without compromising on the taste.

Cook meat at right temperatures – Failing to cook meat at the right temperature may give rise to bacteria that cause a number of food-borne diseases. You need to cook meat at 160 ° F, poultry at 165 ° F and steaks and roasts at a minimum of 45 ° F. If you need to reheat leftovers, make sure that you heat till the time sauces and gravy start boiling.

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Source by John Macfrotter