How to Combat Obesity With Fitness Routines

Fitness and Obesity are polar opposites, this article talks about combating obesity with fitness routines.

Fitness and Obesity – What is Obesity?

When asked what Obesity is, the first thing that comes to mind is overweight, fat, calories, laziness and so on.

Obesity is one of the easiest health-related conditions to identify, but it can be one of the most difficult to treat if proper measures are not taken. If you are Obese, it means that your body has gathered or injured an abnormal amount of fat to the point where your health is affected, giving room for various health problems, like type two diabetes, heart diseases and high blood pressure. It also brings life expectancy.

Fitness and Obesity – What is Fitness?

Fitness in layman’s terms means to be fit physically; it is when you have the strength and the energy to feel as good as you bought to. More fit you are, the healthier you are likely to be.

Obesity in Adults and Children

Statistics have shown a dramatic increase in Obesity rates over the past 20 years in the USA. It has been proven that two thirds of adults in the USA are overweight with over 30% of adults suffering from Obesity – this analysis was made by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). As these rate increases, the death rate related to unhealthy dietary habits and physical inactivity also increases.

Even though children have fewer weight related issues than adults, one out of five children in America is overweight; these children also have a high risk of growing to become obese teenagers and adults.

Fitness and Obesity – What are some causes of Obesity

There are quite a number of factors that could result in this preventable condition, some of which are:
• Diet: We can all relate to this fact, in one way or the other. ” You are what you eat ” is a common phrase being used in this era. Diet lead to one becoming Obese, if they consume more calories than the body burns up.

• Genetics: The size of an individual, relating weight, could most likely be passed on from the parents. If both parents suffer from Obesity, there is an 80% chances that this condition would have passed on to their children, however if only one parent has this condition, the likelihood of their children becoming Obese is fifty percent.

• Age: The rate, at which your body metabolizes food, decrees which age. The older you get the slower the process.

• Gender: Men tend to burn more calories at rest; This means that they have a higher resting metabolic rate than women do; that is why women tend to be more overweight than men.

Fitness and Obesity – Some easy steps to keep you fit

” If there is a will, there is a way ” ” every problem has a solution ” These are quotes that can motivate us in one way or the order.
Following these simple steps can help you be on your way to living a healthy lifestyle.

• Balanced diet: A balanced diet is simply a food that consist of all the nutrients the body needs in their right amounts. A good way to start out your journey on losing weight is by changing your diets. It is not only what you eat that matters but when you eat and when you should stop eating. Try to avoid as much fatty foods as possible, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Note that keeping a journal of your diet plan is a huge plus in this case.

• Exercise: There are two main types of exercises; Aerobic and Anerobic exercise. Aerobic means ” oxygen ”, many forms of exercises are aerobic; examples include cycling and running as one needs oxygen to complete them. Anaerobic exercises like weight lifting do not needily need oxygen. A personal trainer or registering in a gym can be very helpful as your progress can be recorded.

• Discipline / Determination: These two go hand in hand. The more determined you are to lose weight, the more disciplined you will be following the appropriate procedure.

There are quite a number of fitness and obesity routines one can follow to attain success, just bear in mind that every little step or action counts, Your goal should be to improve your health and not necessarily to achieve an ideal weight.

Source by Stephanie Chidera