Choosing a Gym or Health and Fitness Club

As society gets older and life expectancy increases the push towards improving health through exercise increases and so does the war for your fitness cash. Driving down the road, watching television, listening to the radio; everywhere we see and hear health club advertisements $ 10.00 per month, no enrollment fee, no contract, join today! All of this advertising geared towards getting you through the door for the “hard close”. Why? Because no one walks through the doors of a gym or health club just to shop.

When walking into a gym and deciding whether or not to join, keep in mind that you have a goal. Something made you cross the threshold. Everyone has a reason keep your motivation in front of you. Fitness clubs have personalities, just like people. Do not allow the high-pressure tactics that some sales people use make or break your decision as to which club to join. Choosing the right one is all about finding the personality that fits your style. How did you immediately feel when you walked in? Are you the type of person who likes to socialize, do you like an upscale environment, are amenities important to you, do you like a quiet setting, with a hometown feel, or are you a hardcore just the necessities type? Ask the right questions like what is the club cancellation policy, is day care available and what are the daycare hours, do they offer personal training, what is the guest pass policy, how old do you have to be to on the workout floor. The sales person should be willing to take you on a tour of the facility and answer any questions. If the club offers a trial use it, do not abuse it remember the club is a business and free trials are a privilege. By using the trial sessions you can really get a feel for the place and you’ll be better equipped to make a life-transforming decision.

Source by Scott Anderton