Basic Health Tips for Women in Busy Times

Young woman eating a healthy breakfast

As I promised in my first part of my original article titled Basic Health Tips for Women in Busy Times. Here is part two of my tips on how to stay healthy using some common sense tips.

6. Avoid stress. Yes, it is difficult to do sometimes. Life just seems to have stress around every corner. But we can take some common sense actions to help reduce our stress. Stay away from “toxic” friends. The kind of friends that just seem to create drama in your life that would never be there if you were not friends in the first place. Their problems become your problems. Try not to become inundated with 24-hour news. Yes, you should be an informed citizen, but you do not have to watch the depressing news over and over again. Get informed and switch the channel. Women especially are sooner to too much stress in their lives. Stress has been recognized as a source of many sicknesses. Try as much as feasible to take time out to relax. Read a book, visit with friends and stay active. Take time to pamper yourself. And be certain to get sufficient sleep to restore your energy.

7. Beware of the sun! Women especially seem overly concerned with tanning. If you must tan, try one of the spray tanners. They even sell spray tanning cans at the store. I have not tried any of them myself. So, I can not attest to their effectiveness, but you could try one if you just must have that tanned look. If you are going to be out in the sun, use sunscreen and wear a hat. You’ll look younger longer if you try to avoid overexposure to the sun.

8. Smile, you’re on candid camera! A beautiful smile just seems to give a person an added glow. And have you ever noticed how people with beautiful smiles tend to smile a lot? Smiling helps you get into a good mood. Be sure to visit your dentist to maintain that beautiful smile.

9. This is so obvious, but you must visit your Gynecologist. Women, who are over the age of eighteen bought to have their Physical Examination annually especially for the Pap Smear test. Women who are over forty should have their mammograms and the breast self-exam is encouraged once puberty has been reached and should be a habit as they mature

10. I left this one for tenth, but it is certainly not the least. Remember to practice safe sex.

I hope these simple tips have been a reminder to you. As I stated on the outside I think that many women already are aware of these things. But, I think we all need reminders from time to time of things. I hope you will find these tips useful. Eat right, stay fit and try to live each day to the fullest.

Thanks for reading …

Featured Image: Health

Source by Dr.