5 Effective Drinking Water Apps For Good Health!

Drinking Water App

Water is life, and on an average eight to ten glasses of water is must to stay healthy. Said, heard, told, and stored in mind! But, how many actually follow it? Mostly, it is not consciously adopted or there is no one to remind us to drink water in regular intervals.

Here, smartphones are a saviour. In the present times, when the smartphones are already managing and simplifying life, why not let them handle water consumption discrepancy?

Scroll down and read about 5 great water apps to get you started!



Waterlogged is a hydration tracking app that sends reminders, integration, and graphs. Select a personalised motivator who will be guiding you through the process of drinking water and also keep all the records. The iPhones users have Waterlogged app, while Windows phone users can download WaterLogger.

Hydro Coach

Hydro Coach

Hydro Coach helps you to calculate how much water your body needs in a day. It keeps track on your water intake and gently reminds you when to drink.  If you lack behind in fulfilling your target, it sends you reminders. The application is only available on Google Play for Android users.

Water Your Body

Water Your Body

This Android app provides the accurate data on how much water is needed as per the weight of the user. One can keep a record of the water they are consuming by adding cups on this app. For Windows phone users, there is Water For Body application.

Plant Nanny

Plant Nanny

Plant Nanny is a fun app to remind you to drink water regularly. So the user is gifted a virtual plant that grows as you drink water. The task is to keep the plant alive by having water on regular intervals.  The app is available for Android and Windows phones users.

Nutrition Menu

Nutrition Menu

Highly recommended by doctors, this app includes complete information on exercise, diet and water intake. Even if you are offline, this app works and sends you reminders.  This app is available only for iPhone users.

Don’t forget to drink water!