4 Tips For a Great Bowflex Workout

The Bowflex Revolution is more than just the name of a home gym – it’s also a term that can be used to signify the shift from working out in the health club to working out at home. It has changed the nature of the exercise, for better and for worse. To get the most out of your Bowflex equipment, you have to approach it correctly. In this article, I will offer a variety of different tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of your Bowflex fitness equipment.

First, you should warm up before using any fitness equipment. This can involve simple stretching, or go at 30% intensity for the first five or 10 minutes until your muscles are ready for something more intense. Not only will your body be more receptive to making gains went working out, but you will recover faster after your workout is finished. This means it will be much easier next time to pop right back on that piece of fitness equipment and start exercising again.

Second, you need to measure your progress. Many machines have their own measurement gadgets, and these can be beneficial. However, I’ve found that it is better to keep a journal. I think that writing it down by hand makes it seem more real to me. Also, it’s simply easier for me to track my results. Plus, I can set my own indicators of progress instead of having to rely on my equipment and its limits.

Third, do not be afraid to journey outside of your comfort zone when using Bowflex. Many people who purchase fitness equipment only utilize it to a small amount of its total potential. This is especially true with home workout equipment. Try new things, experiment with new settings, and further educate yourself about the uses of the machine. At the very least, make sure you test out each feature.

Fourth, try a variety of different approaches when working out. You can try interval training, high-intensity training, cardiovascular training, strength conditioning and more. Try pay combination and keep experimenting to find something that works perfectly for your body. By approaching the whole thing with the idea of experimentation, you’ll find more quickly the workouts – and a combination of workouts – that will yield the maximum results.

In conclusion, I have given you several different tips on getting a great Bowflex workout.

Featured Image: Build Muscle 101

Source by Ronnie Taggy