3 Simple Exercises to Get a Flat Stomach


If you aspire for an enviable flat tummy, you should do certain exercises regularly. These workouts will help you to stay slim, calm and flexible. It is found that giving proper movements to joints and muscles help people sprint forward without afflicting themselves with any injury. But there is a limit beyond which the stretching of the body is not possible, as this would bring unnecessary wear and tear to the muscles. Such damage would restrict the ability to move altogether. Here, you should aim for a brisk 20-minute walk every day to burn the extra fat to stay simple with your body exercises regimen. Other exercises can also be tried with some supervision initially from reputed trainers. Once they give go ahead, you can practice lightly complicated ones at home without their supervision. Following are the three simple exercises that would keep your tummy flat and make you sprint like a tiger on the long run.

1. Bicycle Crunch: You should first lie down with your back on the floor. While doing so, you should keep the hands behind your head. Now, you should try to bend your legs at a 45 degree angle so that the right knee is closer to the chest. Simultaneously, you should straighten the left leg. While doing this exercise, you should slowly rotate your top half in such a way that your left elbow touches your right knee. After a minute of freezing in this posture, you should repeat the same exercise by switching sides.

2. The Boat: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Sitting in this posture, you should tilt your top half of the body back. Now, you can extend your legs so that your body forms a right angle. While doing this exercise, you should pull your abs in to balance the body. After freezing for a minute, slowly extend your arms at shoulder height past your knees. After reaching this posture, hold for five slow breaths again and return to your starting place. Repeat this exercise five times a day to keep the body flexible.

3. The Plank: You should lay your face down first. After this, you should lift yourself up your toes and forearms. After this, you need to bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Now, keep your core muscles tight and your legs straight to balance the body at a certain height. Freeze at this post hold your breath for 10 seconds, before releasing your body to reach the starting place. Repeat this exercise three times a day, gradually building to 40 seconds each.

Featured Image: best4fit
Source by Balakrishnan Lekshminarayanan