What Makes a Movie Good and What Makes a Movie Great?

If you like writing movie reviews, it’s worth asking what it is that makes a movie a good one. In this article, I will discuss some critical elements of what makes a movie a good one and what makes a movie a great one.

Acting is a very important part of any movie. In a good movie, the acting should at least be passable. The actors should not come across as stilted or as over-reacting. Great movies will usually include one or two performances where actors are able to show some aspect of human nature or human reactions that we would not normally encounter on screen.

The plot is also an important part of any movie. Good plots make sense and engage the viewer in finding out what will happen to the characters. Great plots bring the audience right into the film, where they are deeply invested in the output at the end of the film.

Emotional response is an important part of any movie. In a strange way, it is more important for a good movie, as these films typically try to evoke a single response. Great movies, however, try to evoke more complex responses and even second-order responses in which we respond to our own responses (such as in a film like Pulp Fiction, where we feel guilty about laughing).

The action is an important part of some movies. Those movies that choose to be action films should have sequences that can be followed reliably easily and are exciting to watch. Great action films have truly exhilarating sequences that evoke actual physical and adrenal reactions from the audience as they gasp at what they are seeing.

Themes are an important part of any great movie. Good movies do not really need a theme, but a great film should make the audience really think at the end of the film. Note that this is different from simply making a statement of some kind. Films make us ask very important questions at the end of the film that we probably would not have asked otherwise.

Movies can be either good or great. In this article, I have discussed some of the characteristics of each.

Featured Image: Pop Cultural Studies

Source by Marcus Pontecorvo