13 Judgments Passed By Bombay High Court Parody Page That Are More Than Just Funny!

Parody accounts are always fun to follow, and this parody account of the Bombay High Court will just make you want to laugh your guts out. Despite the several problems of traffic, congestion, road blockages, pollution, crowded locals and everything that the city of Mumbai faces, this page just adds some humour to it. It shows the little quirky and whimsical problems that Mumbai people face in every- day life. As long as these are taken in good sense and humour, they can really make up your day, or lighten up the serious atmosphere in the office.

This page gives some of the most hilarious judgments that are so funny that you almost want them to be true. So share them with your friends and colleagues. Scroll below to see:

1. Since the city is huge!


2. What else is the point of going, then?


3. Another great joke on the vast area of Bombay


4. On traveling in overly crowded local trains:


5. This seems about right


6. On school education


7. On the Mumbai-kars love for local shopping


8. On “vacationing”


9. On social media itself


10. True Sibling Love


11. On their love for Pav Bhaji


12. And that Pav is Supreme!


13. Last, but not the least

Apart from these, there are umpteen numbers of more such hilarious posts by this page. You can follow them on Facebook and have a hearty laugh every day.

Have something to add to the list? We’d love to hear more!


h/t: Filtercopy

Featured Image: 1 & 2

All Images sourced from their facebook page