You have a best buddy, always available on phone, bar buddy, trip partner, food sharer, counsellor for every situation, and saviour from every ugly situation. You both have several similarities be it likes, dislikes, food, hang-out places, college, jobs, and interests and so on and so forth. Another crucial factor that adds to your friendship is the fact that you both are single and believe that you both are the most dynamic bachelor duo having the best time of your life. Sounds familiar?

But, one fine day your best friend breaks up the news to you about this girl he met through Tinder and that now they are seeing each other. Initially, you think its fine and there is hope for everyone in Tinder but you know your life is going to change from here onwards.

Here is how your life changes because your best buddy finds love:

#1. You Can’t Barge Into Your Best Buddy’s Place Anymore:

#2. You Will Have To Deal With Things About Which You Have No Idea (your friend’s girlfriend’s mood swings):

#3. Hanging Out Together Will Look Like A Distant Dream:

#4. Be Ready For Awkward Hang Outs (P.S. You Are A Third Wheel Now):

#5. Eating Will Look Like This (Accept It You Are On Your Own Now):

#6. You Might Have To Look For A New Friend Now:

#7. Your Personal Disaster Management Helpline Is Gone Now:

But, since you are a good friend you will respect your friend’s choice and go on your separate journey. All the best.  :)