T-shirt shirt or a fashion disaster? Twitter reactions to this Balenciaga clothing is nothing but hilarious

Twitter reaction to this Balenciaga clothing is nothing but hilarious

The fashion world has broken all limits when it comes to creating new style statements. Some of them become the talk of the town for their gorgeousness, but other gain publicity for all the wrong reasons. One more fashion disaster has surfaced on the internet which has blown away every sensible mind. A new clothing item is on sale and it is confusing the mere mortals like nothing before.

Termed as T-shirt shirt by a high-end clothing brand, Balenciaga, the upper wear clothing item comprises of a T-shirt, attached over a shirt, or…errr, a shirt over a T-shirt? Nobody knows yet. From the back, this crew neck men’s clothing piece seems like a normal tee, but from the front, it looks like something or the other.

Fashion lovers are, however, not in love with this piece of delicate clothing which costs Rs 84000 (£935). Yes, you heard it right! Here are some of the funniest Twitter reactions to the fashion elite or a fashion faux pas, depending on your discretion:

One person wrote, “I thought this Balenciaga shirt was a joke….Its real and it’s $1,290”.

One person shared a hilarious series of his own photos, where the person was donning a shirt, attached to the T-shirt with duct tape. In the accompanying message, he wrote, “I just made my own Double Shirt and it didn’t cost thousands of dollars!”.

One person shared a meme which read, “Could I be wearing any more clothes?”

Another tweet read, “I’d like to think I understand high fashion and have no problem shelling out some cash for Gucci, LV, etc., but this…?”.

While Balenciaga remains the favourite label of Kylie Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, and Bella Hadid, the brand has been ridiculed in the past as well for their “embossed leather skirt” that bore a striking resemblance to a rubber car mat.