Relationship Quotes

A couple in love in the sunset on the beach

Relationship quotes encompass a wide range of sayings ranging from quotes of life to quotes about your other interpersonal connections. You have to remember that relationships do not just involve love, lust, or other romantic situation.

You have many different types regarding business dealings, financial matters, family interactions, work situations, recreation affiliations, interpersonal, and platonic relationships. You even have one with yourself. It is a vitally important one to foster.

All of these various associations have spawned a variety of quizzes, songs, poems, questionnaires, tests, and quotes.

One quote worth thinking deeply about is from Lillian Hellman:

“People change and forget to tell each other.”
– Lillian Hellman

Everyone has problems or questions about their various bonds at one time or another. Using relationship quotes may give you insight into your interpersonal relationships.

Life Quotes

Of course, inspirational life quotes and other funny quotes about life may offer you personal growth and inspiration.

One quote deals with an end to an association:

“Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you’re really strangers.”
– Mary Tyler Moore

Ending relationship quotes may help you decide how to end an affiliation if you are contemplating letting go of one.

Relationship Advice Column

Any advice column in any newspaper across this country should include funny relationship quotes or life sad quotes depending if they are trying to convey a light-hearted comment or a serious comment regarding various affiliations you may have in life.

Relationship quotes are very helpful when trying to determine compatibility. Relationships do not only occur in the sense of a love relationship. They occur between everyone you come in contact with such as your spouse, children, parents, neighbors and the people you work with.

You even have a relationship with yourself.

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Source by Dr.