5 things a guy should NEVER do on a first date

5 things a guy should NEVER do on a first date

5 things a guy should NEVER do on a first date, Let’s face it- first date is always scary. It is all about making your first impressions and impressing your lady love. We all wonder how will it go. What should we do? What should we not do?. While you can end up having the most beautiful time, there is always a thought hanging on your head if the other person likes you or is uncomfortable in your presence. Well, we are sure you must have figured out what you should do on your first date, here are some tips we would like to advise to all the young men out there about what not to do on your first date.

Remember- These tips can be lifesaving and can help you impress your dream girl.

1 Don’t delve deep into her past

The last thing your date would want to discuss in the first meeting is her past relationships. While she can be very open about her past with you, don’t delve deep into it and keep asking questions about that painful heartbreak she suffered two years ago.

2. Don’t take her to a loud place

Unless you want to play dumb charades with her throughout the date, we would suggest not to take your lady love to a noisy place. Pick a cozy romantic restaurant because first dates are always special and you get to know a lot about your partner.

3. Wear good fragrance

Guys smelling bad is the biggest turn off for any woman. Wear a nice perfume, crisp clean clothes and watch the magic of your personality unravel before her.

4. Be a good listener

Girls are all in to listen to your endless stories about that all boys trip you took years ago but at the same time they expect you to listen to their little cute things as well. Don’t be all about yourself on the first date. Try to know her as well.

5. Look at your phone more than her

It’s hard to get to know you if you’re obsessively WhatsApping. You are there on a date with her, not your phone. Make sure she feel special in your presence and not neglected.